Reveal the inside in 3-Dimensional with X-ray Computed Tomography
X-ray Computed Tomography (micro CT) is one of the advanced non-destructive testing methods capable of visualising interior features within solid objects and obtaining high-density information on their 3-D geometries and internal components.
When X-rays are projected through and around a sample, they form a ‘shadow’ of the attenuated specimen, or X-ray image, on a digital detector. This method is beneficial for checking for underlying indications such as cracks, pores or inclusions. This technique requires thousands of radiographs taken, up to 360° rotation, for an accurate volumetric reconstruction.
Our X-ray Computed Tomography capability includes:
Porosity Analysis | Detect Locate
X-Ray Computed Tomography features high volumetric density analysis, capable of detecting various shapes and sizes of pores.
The evaluation is carried out in 3D, precisely locating the position of every single pore. This technique can be used for:
- Product quality validation
- Casting process optimisation
- First Article Inspection

Dimensional Measurement | Fast & Accurate
Acquisition of 3D volumetric data enables simplification of complex measurements.
External and internal measurements, GD&T and complex shapes and geometries can be easily analysed and specially curated for:
- First Article Inspection
- Locate and validate critical features
- Pinpoint critical defects
Reverse Engineering | CAD Support
X-Ray Computed Tomography features an advanced algorithm that enables existing products to be reconstructed in 3D volumetric data.
The evaluated data can be exported.STL format, compatible with most of the CAD software for:
- Design optimisation
- Mold design correction
- Dimensional measurement
- 3D Print Prototyping

Nominal-Actual Comparison | Color Coded
High density data from X-Ray Computed Tomography allows the determination of the dimensional deviation of the actual product from its nominal (CAD) design.
Colour coded evaluation simplifies the process of deviation analysis, especially on complex geometries and freeform surfaces. This technique can be used for:
- Overall product dimensional deviation
- Production parameter/process optimisation
- First Article Inspection
Common Test Methods
ASTM E1441
ASTM E2698
ASME V Article 20
ISO 15708
Talk to us today
Complimentary Test: Your first CT scan will be on us!
Professional Testing Services (PTS) is currently offering FREE trial scans on our X-ray Computed Tomography services to allow engineers worldwide to understand the capabilities of advanced radiography techniques.
All new customers are entitled to a session of free consultation and CT scan service.
*The desired scan with the optimized parameter will be charged at the total price with an additional discount at PTS’s discretion.